Yakuza Courses

Ready to feel the heat? Check all the Yakuza courses.

Our entire catalog of

Yakuza Courses

Unlock all the Yakuza courses. Acquire new skills, get stronger and get in shape while learning the most fundamental and unique martial art styles of our favourite Yakuza protagonist.



Kiryu Brawler Style Course

Learn the most fundamental Yakuza Style, and master a wide variety of strikes, grabs, and counters.


Kiryu Rush Style Course

Master a high-pace high-volume fighting style. Learn how to combine fierce punches and explosive kicking techniques.


Mad Dog

Majima Thug Style Course

Master a versatile and complete style featuring punches, kicks, elbows, grabs, and dirty fighting techniques.

Mad Dog

Majima Slugger Style Course

Enhance your ability to effectively wield melee weapons, primarily baseball bats.

Yakuza Transformation Courses


How to become a Yakuza: Master 8 Secret Mindset Fundamentals

You don´t know how to start training martial arts? These Yakuza Mindset Secrets will enhance your mindset, discipline, tenacity, and willpower.


Yakuza Secrets Unveiled: The Ultimate Guide to Nutrition and Fitness

Learn how to get in incredible shape, by unlocking the most comprehensive guide on how to eat and train like a Real-Life Yakuza.


Yakuza Looks Mastery: 22 Secrets to evolve your Looks from 0 to 10

Evolve your looks in ANY area from a ZERO to a TEN with the Yakuza Looks Maxing Fundamentals Secrets.

The Ultimate Yakuza Transformation Bundle


Yakuza Fighting Styles Bundle

39% Discount! One Time Charge of $73 - Lifetime Access!
Unlock Brawler, Rush, Thug and Slugger Styles!


Yakuza Legend Transformation Bundle

53% Discount! One Time Charge of $99 - Lifetime Access!
Unlock the Fighting Style Courses and the Yakuza transformation Courses.

What are the benefits?

Acquire new skills, get stronger and get in shape while learning the most fundamental and complex martial art styles of our favourite Yakuza protagonist.

Gain muscle mass in the upper body, quads, calves, and glutes.

Increase shoulder width and overall upper body aesthetics.

Improve posture and spine health with mobility exercises.

Boost Testosterone and HGH with intensive Interval training.

Improve your body language and confidence.

Gain body awareness, coordination and balance.

Increase discipline and energy.

Discover And Acquire New Skills

Each course offers a comprehensive in-depth step by step guide that enables you to learn new techniques, gain muscle, lose weight, and improve your cardio.

Learn Online at Your Own Pace

Train Anytime, Anywhere: Enjoy the flexibility of training at your convenience with lifetime access to our course. Whether you're at home or on the go, you can access the materials and continue learning and practicing wherever you are.

Learn Your Favourite Characters Fighting Styles.

Immerse yourself in the authentic martial arts techniques inspired by the Yakuza games. From Kiryu's hard-hitting brawling style to Majima's acrobatic and unpredictable maneuvers, our courses breaks down these distinct fighting styles, providing step-by-step instruction to help you master them.

Frequently Asked Questions


Most of the styles are physically demanding. Getting good at it will take a lot of training and effort. There is not easy way to get good at it. 

If you´re a beginner the courses have different levels of complexity, so you can still train towards mastery at your own pace while still training hard and getting technical and physical improvements.

Whatever goal you have, these courses will give you all the fundamentals that you need in order to start training martial arts, training at a gym, start a business, or improving on any area of your life.

Be for mindset, motivation, nutrition, or maxing every aspect of how you look, from your body, haircut, and clothes. Every course will give you the exact tools you need to apply to your own life.

No, you only need a space to train, and yourself. You can either dowload the courses you buy to your device of preference, or even better, look them up on your user account and get access to a comment section where people exchange questions and information.

I recommend you to start with the Yakuza Mindset Course.

Later for training I suggest to start with the Brawler Fighting Style Course. That´s the best one to start, as it has all the basics and fundamentals of most Yakuza techniques and exercises.

You can train one Course 3 times per week. And you can also crosstrain between them and make your own custom week of training. For example;

1) Monday: Brawler Style Course

2) Wednesday: Rush Style Course

3) Saturday: Thug Style Course

You can recover in between those days if you´re a beginner, if you´re advanced. You can add more days of training.

You can pay any courses via Paypal. If you want to pay any courses with cryptocurrency (BTC,ETH,USDT) send and email at [email protected] requesting your courses.

If you feel you need more assistance with certain topics, you can drop a comment on the exact Fighting Style Course, or send me an e-mail directly, and I´ll be happy to get back to as soon as possible.

Yakuza testimonials

"I always wanted to learn martial arts and Yakuza was my perfect motivator to start! Each class I do I notice how my legs, butt, and back are getting WAY stronger! I swim regularly but I never was able to hit my legs with such intensity as with the conditioning exercises here. This was great!"
-Mejuto R.
Activity: Swimming
"I have to say that the Slugger Style course is definitely incredible, Sebastian takes his time to carefully explain to you details such as stance, guard, footwork, and what I loved the most which was learning all the directions of attack such as diagonal, descending, ascending, thrusting, etc. I have been doing this one for about a week now and I feel as if using the bat as a weapon is more natural to me."
"The courses are great I would say really good for begginers. The way you explain all these things moves etc. Is really good I could understand what to do after just listening. The fact that with only brawler style alone i can burn kalories is just another motivator. The stretch is really good i am a lot more flexible and the strength and conditioning is awesome. Overall i would say to try it, right now its one of the best experiences of my life."
Igor K.
"Everything inside the yakuza mindset fundamental course was very easy to follow up and understand, and one of the many ways it helped me was that I could categorize and look out for very specific people in my life to improve myself."
Taekwon-do ITF

Only if you want to become strong

You can leverage your video game passion and turn each hour you spend playing into actual muscle, skills, and real-life money.

Learn it from Sebastian. For free.